Thursday, January 3, 2013

Value Painting Meets Zentangle Drawing

I taught the 6th graders how to make a tint of a color by starting with white paint and adding just a tiny bit of another color to create a new color. This is called a tint. The tints are then made darker and darker to create lot of value of the same color. The students practiced this on their own, using old plastic lids are their paint pallettes. They did a fanstastic job making tints and values of their one color.

With their one color, the students painting in a background to a flower drawing. Each student had 1/4 of the flower on their paper and their table partners had the other 3/4s. So that when each students has completed their paper and places them with their table partners, an entire whole flower is created.

After painting the background and sketching out their 1/4 of a flower, the students were taught how to draw in the zentangle style. We watched a video to get us inspired. Afterwards classical music was played and the students really, really got in to their zentangle styles. The students were completely silent and really enjoying the concept of "zenning out" to the music and enjoying how to make repeated lines and patterns. Next, the students began to zentangle draw on their flower petals with fine tipped sharpie pens. The results have been not only beautiful but also inspiring to me!

I am looking forward to them being displayed together in the hallway for the arrival of spring!

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